The Corona Chronicles
Sunday May 17, 2020

This is what our Sunday services may look like for a while … I hope this is meaningful to each of you. Personally, I am driven to my faith in these days. There has never been anything like it. This morning we’ll hear the testimony of a survivor of the 911 tragedy. This is a first-person account of how God revealed Himself to a NY firefighter in the midst of the carnage and devastation of that awful day. Could we reflect together on the importance of placing our trust in God, as we journey through the Covid Chronicles? The Sunday sermons will appear here as you see but they will also be archived in an online Flipbook which will be an everyday account of the lives and experiences of our church family. I DO need your help. I need you to share your story with me so that I can communicate it more broadly.
If you write poetry, send it. If you take pictures send them. If you paint or draw, send me some of your work. If omn a given day you find encouragement from God’s word, send that along. Let’s all participate together. It is one way to maintain a vital connection in lieu of our inability to meet together.
Take a minute … or several to watch these videos. Allow yourself to be led in a time of worship as you play them. Take your time. Replay them as long as you experience God speaking to you. Confess your greatest need to Him before you make your way through the worship videos. Is your Bible close?
Think about faith today as a means of appropriation of every good thing that God has for His people. Can you name one or two areas of your spiritual experience that are yet “beyond you”? You know them at an intellectual/volitional level but not an experiential level? List them on a piece of paper right now. Take “worry” as an example. Some are constant fretters and others, chronic. How does faith ask us to deal with worry at an experiential level? Can you think of a scripture or two that comes to mind? Write that down. What other aspects of Christian living might require faith to implement? Do you have a faith lineage like Timothy? Who stands out as someone who greatly impacted your own relationship with Christ?
What does the idea of having spiritual “power”, mean to you? Could you think of one or two words which would encapsulate this for you? Does God see this differently than we do? How so? Was Mother Theresa a powerful Christ-follower? Why or why not? What about faith healers? Can you name one that you feel would fit the description of “powerful”? According to Paul’s words to Timothy, we are all given the spirit of “power” … what does that look like in your life today? We also talked about “love” in the same context … something different than “timidity” or fear. What is it about love that stands in stark contrast to fear? How does love bring freedom to our Christian lives? Make sure to re-read 2 Timothy 1.
Is there a danger that the church can unwittingly breed or exacerbate mental or emotional distress or sickness? How? Have you ever taken a break from church? Why? Do we sometimes overcomplicate faith? Are mental and spiritual health issues sometimes confused in church? Can you think of an example in your spiritual journey? What about the idea of never being enough? Good enough? Faithful enough? Available enough? Should we use pressure tactics with people since the idea of “growth” is noble enough to justify this? Is it noble enough?
Can you think of other practices that are counterproductive to a person’s faith development?
What would you do to make our church a healthier place, emotionally and mentally?
If there is anything that I might do to help you in your journey please feel free to call me at 222-0410 or email me at … [email protected].